Reversals - Ten of Pentacles - Memorizing Tarot Card Audio Podcast Course
Learn and Memorize Tarot Cards - A podcast by Quicklearn Quests
Welcome to my Memorizing Tarot Card Audio Podcast, where I discuss strategies to learn and memorize tarot cards for beginners. The purpose of an audio podcast is to help reinforce key messages by audio, while you clean, exercise, mow your long, or drive great distances. There is no charge for this content and it is intended to provide short, snappy microlearning to help beginners keep practising and reinforcing the learning.This episode is your three-minute lesson on the Reversal of the Ten of Pentacles.I have been reading tarot cards for 30 years for fun, and I learned on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck. We also share our content on most social media channels, Tiktok and YouTube under the handle @quickLearnQuests. If you are a beginner at learning tarot, below are some links to the Rider Waite Tarot Deck to follow along if you need a set of cards.I earn a small referral commission from these links from Amazon.Rider Waite Tarot Deck - USA Link: Waite Tarot Deck - Canada Link: is the transcript:Welcome to the "Memorizing Tarot Cards" podcast, your three-minute lessons on learning and memorizing each card using symbolism. I use the Rider Waite Tarot if you would like to view the card while you listen using your own Tarot card deck or a computer. Today, we're exploring the Ten of Pentacles, focusing on reversals. First, let's start with the divine meaning of the card and then the meaning when reversed.The Ten of Pentacles upright is a card of legacy, family, and long-term financial stability. It speaks to building a foundation that benefits you and future generations. The reversed Ten of Pentacles suggests that disruptions may occur in these areas, whether related to family conflicts, challenges around wealth, or a lack of security in planning for the future. It can also indicate tension around financial matters, inheritance, or long-term planning, where goals and values are not aligned.Next, let's discuss ways to approach this card in a reading. When the Ten of Pentacles reversed appears in a reading, it's often a sign that something is not aligning with your long-term goals or vision. This card encourages you to step back and assess what needs to change. It's time to address these areas before they cause bigger problems. It may also indicate a shift in your values. The traditional ideas of success, such as wealth, status, or family expectations, no longer resonate with you. The reversed Ten of Pentacles asks you to consider whether your current path genuinely aligns with your values or if it's time to redefine your version of success.Remembering tarot cards helps when I can relate one of my personal experiences to the card. For example, my reversed Ten of Pentacles moment was coming to the realization that my values did not align with my current situation any longer. Before I met my husband, I was chasing career goals. My aspirations were to create as much wealth as I could with the skills that I had. I needed to take care of myself as a single person. If I could travel a bit, it would be a bonus. When I met my husband, my thinking changed. I also started having some health issues in my forties. There are no setbacks yet, thankfully, but I now have health conditions that need management. My past Ten of Pentacles goals did not align with my current health situation or the fact I am now married, so I felt I was in a Ten of Pentacles reversed scenario. I adjusted my goals to ensure that I am working on retiring and considering my working income in the event of any health changes. My health is stable, but running into chronic conditions brought to light that health problems may disrupt my financial plan, and could also impact my husband. I did not want to create a situation where he needed to work harder should I need unplanned time off work,...