28) Order of multiple pronouns

Learn French with Anna Spring - A podcast by Guy Thornton


If you have multiple pronouns, use the following rules: If there is a me, vous or nous, it comes first. If there is a Le, la or les, they come next. If there is a lui or leur they come last. Nous donnons. We are giving. Nous le donnons. We are giving it. Nous vous les donnons. We are giving it to you. Nous lui les donnons. We are giving them to him. Nous leur les donnons. We are giving them to them. Nous leur la donnons. We are giving it to them. Nous me les donnons. We are giving them to me. Elle donne She gives Elle le donne She gives it Elle me le donne. She gives it to me. Elle le lui a donné. She gave it to me. Elle va me le donner. She is going to give it to me. Elle me le donnera. She will give it to me. Elle me le donnera demain. She will give it to me tomorow. Vous nous les donnez. You are giving them to us. Vous nous les avez donnés. You gave them to us. Vous allez nous les donner. You are going to give them to us. Vous nous les donnerez. You will give them to us. Vous nous les donnerez la semaine prochaine. You will give them to us next week. Je le dit. I’m saying it. Je le lui dit. I’m saying it to him. Je le lui ai dit. I said it to him. Elle va me le dire. She is going to tell it to me. Elle va me le dire. She will tell it to me. Elle va me le dire demain. She will tell it to me tomorow.