40) Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are used much more frequently in French than in English. Below you’ll find a list of the most common ones. s'amuser (to enjoy oneself) s'appeler (to be called) se baigner (to bathe) se brosser (to brush) se coucher (to go to bed) se dépêcher (to be in a hurry) s'entendre (to get on) se faire mal (to hurt oneself) s'habiller (to get dressed) s’amuser To enjoy oneself Je m’amuse I’m enjoying myself Il s’amuse He’s enjoying himself Elle s’amuse She’s enjoying herself Nous nous amusons We’re enjoying ourselves Vous vous amusez You’re enjoying yourself Ils s’amusent They’re enjoying themselves Amusez-vous Enjoy yourself (imperative) Se laver To wash oneself Je me lave I wash myself Je vais me laver I’m going to wash myself Je me laverai I will wash myself Je me suis lave I washed myself Je me lavais I was washing myself Se coucher To take onself to bed Il se couche He’s puts himself to bed Il va se coucher He’s going to put himself to bed Il se couchera He will put himself to bed Il s’est couche He put himself to bed Il se couchait He was putting himself to bed Se baigner to bathe oneself Elle se baigne She bathes herself Elle va se baigner She’s going to bathe herself Elle se baignera She will bathe herself Elle s’est baigne She bathed herself Elle bagnait She was bathing herself S’habiller to dress oneself Nous nous habillons we get ourselves dressed Nous allons nous habiller We’re going to get dressed Nous nous habillerons We will get dressed Nous nous sommes habilles  We got dressed Nous nous habillions We were getting dressed Habillons-nous Lets get ourselves dressed Se lever To get onself up Vous vous levez You get yourself up Vous allez vous lever You’re going to get yourself up Vous vous leverez You will get yourself up Vous vous etes leve You got yourself up Vous vous leviez You were getting yourself up Levez-vous Get yourself up Se faire mal to hurt oneself Ils se font mal They hurt themselves Ils vont se fair mal They are going to hurt themselves Ils se feront mal They will hurt themselves Ils se sont fait mal They hurt themselves Ils se faisaient mal They were hurting themselves There are some reflexive verbs in French which we wouldn’t necesarily expect. For example, se trouver means to be situated (literally to find oneself) and se demander means to wonder (literally to ask oneself)

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