Episode 111 - How to say "try and do..." (te form + mimasu)

Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - A podcast by Masa Sensei - Sundays


- Check my video for more details! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_1KtaoPANM&t=273s ========================================================== 【てForm+みます】 It indicates to try to do something for some purpose. When you attempt to do something casually just to see what will happen or just to see what it’s like. We also use it when you are trying to do something that should produce certain expected results. て form verb + みます 話(はな)してみます [I will try and speak] 食(た)べてみます [I will try and eat] 犬(いぬ)を飼(か)ってみます。 I will try one’s hand at owning a dog 明日(あした)までにやってみます。 I will try to do it by tomorrow. おいしいかどうか納豆(なっとう)を(た)べてみます。 I will try natto to see if it tastes good. 来年(らいねん)、私(わたし)は日本(にほん)で英語(えいご)を教(おし)えてみます。 I will try to teach English in Japan next year. "て+み+たいです て+み+ようとおもいます て+みて! Etc." 沖縄(おきなわ)に行(い)ってみたいです! I want to visit Okinawa! 二十歳(はたち)になったので、お酒(さけ)を飲(の)んでみたいです。 Now that I am 20 years old, I would like to try some sake. 少し考えてみようと思(おも)います。 I thik I will think about it. 来週(らいしゅう)彼(かれ)のうちに行(い)ってみようと思(おも)います。 I'm thinking of going to his house next week. この本(ほん)読(よ)んでみて!Try reading this book! うん、読(み)んでみる!Yes, I will try reading it! あの映画(えいが)見(み)てみて!Watch that movie! =============================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me? Follow my Instagram!! Follow my Facebook!! ===============================================