Learn These 4 Jazz Blues Licks (You’ll Thank Me Later)

Learn Jazz Standards Podcast - A podcast by Brent Vaartstra: Jazz Musician, Author, and Entrepreneur


Welcome to episode 233 of the LJS Podcast where today I show you 4 jazz blues licks that I know you're going to love. We listen to them and I explain what makes them work and sound so great. Prepare to have your face melted.Now if you're an avid listener of the LJS podcast, you may have heard me talk a lot about the blues before and how I believe that the blues is a really great song form to master in order to make all the rest of learning jazz standards easier. It just contains so many important chord progressions, a lot of important concepts, and of course, blues. It's kind of the foundation of jazz as far as the origin story, of course, coupled with European marching music and all of that. But I digress.So, wouldn't it be great to learn some jazz blues language? Of course, it would. Let's go over some jazz blues licks that are really going to melt your face off, to be quite honest with you, and that you're going to love. I'll do a little bit of showing you what they sound like, a little bit of explaining, and hopefully, you'll come across some great ideas that you can start implementing into your playing right away.In this episode:Lick #1 Lick #2Lick #3Lick #4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al-H5R335cw&t=Important Links:LJS Inner Circle MembershipFree Guide to learn standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month! Want to get your jazz question answered on the podcast? Click here.