Episode 14: The Year 2021 ; الحلقة الرابعة عشر: سنة ألفين وواحد وعشرين

Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn - A podcast by Saira


Marhabtayn! I hope you are all safe, happy and well :) In my last episode of the year (I can't believe the year is over already!), Lina and I talk about the year 2021. Thank you all so much for listening. I wish you all a very happy New Year! If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ مفردات جديدة  New Vocabulary شو اسوا اشي صار بي هاي السنة ؟What is the worst thing that happened this year?شو احسن اشي صار بي هاي السنة ؟What is the best thing that happened this year?شو خطتك بي السنة الجديدة ؟What is your plan for the new year?ذكرت  I  remembered (I said اكتشفت which means I discovered but I didn’t discover it was Christmas..  😂 I meant to say remembered)  عيد الميلاد Christmas مشروبات عيد الميلاد Christmas drinks احتفل I celebrateتحتفلي  you celebrate (f) أسوأ worse/worst بيحسّن to  improve something بيتحسّن to improve oneself  دافي  warm (weather)دفيان  warm (feeling) مسكّر closed كل شي مسكّر everything is closed - كل شي is masculine so that’s why we say مسكّر not مسكّرة أقصر shorter خطة plan في الشتاء الجو بارد و الواحد بحتاج شوي سكر عشان يدفا  in the winter when the weather is cold, you need some sugar to be warm كان عنّا امل we had hope الحالات بتزيد في كل مكان cases have increased in all places رجع كل اشي مثل اول  everything has returned to the way it was before مشاكل مع السفر problems  with travel حكيت نفس الاشي هذا الوقت السنة الماضية  I said the same thing this time last year بالنسبة إلك in your opinion