Episode 19: Free Time ; الحلقة التاسعة عشر : وقت فراغ

Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn - A podcast by Saira


Marhabtayn! I hope you're all happy,  safe, well and enjoying summer! In this episode, Lina and I talk about our free time. I hope you learn some new words!  (p.s. the 'Marhaba' at the beginning of the episode got cut out for some reason!)If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ شو الأشياء اللي بتحبي تعمليها بوقت فراغك؟ 1. What things do you like to do in your free time?2. قديش عندك وقت فراغ خلال الأسبوع؟How much free time do you have during the week?3.عندك وقت فراغ بكفي?.Do you have enough free time?4.  شو رح تعملي إذا كان عندك وقت فراغ أكتر؟What would you do if you had more free time?5. بتفضلي تكوني برة ولا جوا لما يكون عندك وقت فراغ؟Do you prefer to be outside or inside when you have free time?6. شو معنى العبارة "الوقت من ذهب"؟ وشو رأيك فيها؟What is the meaning of the saying 'Time is gold'? What do you think of it? مفردات جديدة : new vocabularyاشتكيت I complainedبنية تحتية infrastructure شبكة - net e.g to catch insects or mosquitoesبيقضي وقت to spend timeبيرتاح to be comfortableمدمن addictوقت فراغ free timeمثالي idealتركيز concentration حسب depends I said حاجة which means need, but I meant to say حجة - excuseبيستاهل to deserve سباق raceشبكة netحشرات insectsناموس mosquitos مكيّف ACمروحة fan