Episode 21: The Year 2022; الحلقة الحادية والعشرون: السنة ألفين وإثنان وعشرين

Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn - A podcast by Saira


Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well. I can't believe 2022 is already coming to an end. Where has the time gone? In this episode, Lina and I reflect on the good moments in 2022, if there's anything we wish we did, what we're grateful for, how we took care of ourselves and how we would describe this year in 3-5 words. I wish you all a wonderful festive period and a very Happy New Year! I'm so looking forward to making more episodes in 2023 :) ان شاء اللهSee you soon!P.s Lina was right - I said 2001/2002 at the start rather than 2021. The joy of learning a new language  😄 If you have any questions, you can message on Instagram: @marhabtayn_ 1. شو كانت اللحظات الحلوة في هاي السنة؟?What were the beautiful moments of this year2. شو بتتمني لو عملتي هاي السنة؟?What do you wish you did this year3. لشو إنتِ ممتنة هاي السنة؟  ?What are you grateful for4. كيف اهتميتي بحالك هاي السنة؟ ?How did you take care of yourself this year5. كيف بتوصفي هاي السنة بتلات لخمس كلمات؟?How would you describe this year in 3-5 words New vocabulary مفردات جديدة العواطف emotionsكأس العالم world cup مش كتير عادل not very fair بيشجع To cheer forمين فريق شجعتي ؟ ? which team did you cheer forشجعتي - (past tense (feminineرابط link بيفوز to winما عندي اهتمام مين بيفوز I don’t care / I don’t have an interest who wins إمكانيات possibilities بيخسر to loseبيستاهل to deserveيكسر القلب breaks the heartبشكل شخصي personallyضغط دم blood pressureدعم to support  15minutes خمس عشرة دقيقةلازم اعمل جدول احسن  I need to make a better schedule مش ندمانة على شي I don’t regret anything بشكل منتظم regularly ممتن grateful سجل to recordتحمّل to bareمش مؤكد uncertain قوة strength رحت اتمشى I went for a walk اهتم ب to care forالنتيجة the resultالامتحانات examsممتع fun/excitingنمو growthسلام peace