Episode 22: A conversation with Lina

Learn Levantine Arabic: Marhabtayn - A podcast by Saira


Marhabtayn! I hope you're all well! I know it has been quite a while since I last posted an episode. If I'm honest, I haven't had a lot of confidence in my Arabic recently. I was so nervous recording this, but I'm so happy I did and I can continue to share my love of Arabic with you all. Remember, mistakes are all part of the journey. In this episode, Lina and I catch up on what we have been doing this year. I hope you enjoy it :) p.s I'm so happy to share that I'm back!! مفردات جديدة - new vocabulary حوت - حيتان whale مرتفعات heights كسلان lazy رطوبة humidity مكيّف Air conditionerمروحة fanأمان safeمستوى متوسط intermediate levelمر الوقت بسرعة time passed quickly شو كنتِ تعملي هاي السنة؟what have you been doing this year?انبسط - بينبسط to have fun الثقافة البريطانية British culture متحف - متاحف museum مواصلات transportation بنية تحتية infrastructure عطف compassion حنان - kindلطيف مع حاله kind to oneself موجة حر heatwave موجة حارة - heatwave (you can use either one)