Episode Five: Conversation with Ramzi about the virtual world

Learn Levantine Arabic with Livi - A podcast by Olivia Furber


Hi everyone and welcome to episode five - as always, thanks so much for listening.  Today you will hear a conversation between Ramzi and I about the virtual world and what we feel are the positives and negatives of being 'online'. We've got a whole bunch of new vocabulary today, 19 words in total!  We fall into the trap - منوقع في الفخ Based on / built upon - مبنية You (m) distinguish - بتميز بين Radically / in a radical way - بشكل جذري Screen / screens - شاشة / شاشات Duplication - الازدواجية All the possible ways - كل الطرق الممكنة Doubt - شك Influencers - المؤثرين Loneliness/ alone - وحدة In isolation - في العزلة Fraud / scam - احتيال Approach - مقاربة Human validity - صلاحيات الإنسان Addicted - مدمن/ مدمنة A sign of this / Proof of this - دليل على هيك Moderation - اعتدال It was useful to us - فادتنا Permanent - دائم