Episode Two: Conversation with Ramzi about our experience of the radio in the era of television

Learn Levantine Arabic with Livi - A podcast by Olivia Furber


Welcome to Episode Two! Today Ramzi and I will be talking about our interest in creating radio shows and the roots this has in our respective childhoods.  Here are 13 of the new words you will be hearing in the podcast: Curious / curiosity of - فضول Interested - مهتم / مهتمين Impression - انطباع Development - تطوير Imagination - خيال Imaginary friends - أصدقا متخيلين Information - معلومات You get closer - تقري على Nap / siesta - قيلولة Peace agreement - اتفاقية السلام Bombing - قصف Abbreviated - مختصر Radio / broadcast - إذاعة