Learning To Find Yourself with Emily English

Learning As I Go - A podcast by Scott Thomas


CW: This episode contains references to eating disorders.“My body became like a maths equation” Emily English’s modelling career led her to a path of disordered eating. Now - she’s a respected nutritionist with over 250 thousand followers. Emily opens up to Scott about how her journey with food affected her physical and mental health. Scott also hears about how Emily’s experiences led her to a successful career in content creation. They discuss the double edged sword of social media. On the one hand, it’s your career and can lead to great success, but the pressures from it can also have an impact on your self worth. Season 3 of Learning As I Go is supported by British Triathlon. Throughout this series, you’ll hear updates from Scott as he trains for his first triathlon in July. You can join Scott at the Sunderland triathlon by clicking here and using the code LEARNING25 at checkout for 25 pounds off.