Episode 7 -- Life of St Philip Bk I.7 -- St Philip Being Drawn More and More to Prayer

Lectio et Oratio - A podcast by Toronto Oratory

In this episode we will read about St Philip"s transition from a full-time student to his deeper life of prayer and apostolate. Like St Dominic, St Philip decided to sell his books. Why? God opened St Philip to a higher source of wisdom, the science of the saints, the infused wisdom from above. When God draws us directly to Himself by prayer, let us not resist. God was gradually teaching St Philip the supreme value of prayer. In time, God would show him how to balance the life of prayer and the life of the mind. Among the desires God placed on his heart was the desire to make the pilgrimage to the seven churches more and more. He would sometimes visit them everyday, or least one or two of them. Last episode, we read about the beginning of the pilgrimage to the seven churches. St Philip began it as a student. His interest in those seven famous churches of Rome inspires us to seek union with the Apostles and early martyrs. May the Lord fill us with a desire to imitate the love and zeal of the early Church.