Eating Disorders | LeechFest Ep 35 Part 2
LeechFest - A podcast by Mia Mulder And Raluca (Salem) Munteanu

In the second part of Episode 35, we look at how eating disorders started transitioning from being seen as a spiritual calling to being seen as a medical condition. The medical establishment struggled with that one for a while, it turns out, with EDs being considered a result of an imbalance of the humours, a secondary symptom of other mental illnesses, an endocrinological disorder, and lastly, a subconscious fear of becoming pregnant. Lastly, we look at a few up and coming eating disorders, specifically muscularity-oriented disordered eating and orthorexia. P.S. At about minute 42, Salem says 'there are a lot of differences between orthorexia and anorexia', what they meant to say is: 'there are a lot of similarities between orthorexia and anorexia'. Enjoy the episode! Art: 'Still Life with Cheese', Jan van Kessel (1641–1680) (attributed to) and Jan van Kessel the elder (1626–1679) See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at