EP 20: Remove the Roadblocks, Walk in Forgiveness

Let's Be Cleere - A podcast by Cleere - Mondays

How often do we let the roadblocks of offense, bitterness, and shame get in our way? Jesus tells us time and time again that forgiveness is not an option; it is a command. A necessity. It is the only way to usher in freedom— to walk in the very forgiveness we have been offered and to freely give it to others. Digging into this topic, we will talk through several practical ways we can practice forgiveness in our everyday lives. Buy the "Focus: How One Word a Week will transform your life" Devotional to follow along with this podcast! Available on Amazon and cleerelystated.com: Amazon link: https://bit.ly/focusdevotionalbook Purchase on cleerelystated.com + see Cleere's other products: https://bit.ly/Cleerelystatedfocuslink Monday Prayer found on @cleerelystated Instagram - follow her here: https://www.instagram.com/cleerelystated/