Children Make For A Very Impious Meal (Seneca’s Thyestes Part 3)

Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold - A podcast by Liv Albert


The finale of Seneca's Thyestes is just... horror, from start to finish. Help keep LTAMB going by subscribing to Liv's Patreon for bonus content! CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. And this one features *graphic* infanticide and cannibalism... Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing. Sources: Seneca's Thyestes, primarily the version translation by Emily Wilson with long passages quoted from the Frank Justus Miller. Attributions and licensing information for music used in the podcast can be found here: for privacy information.