Navigating the Risks in Poultry Farming with Godbold Chukwuebuka

The Let’s Talk Agriculture Podcast - A podcast by Sharon Idahosa - Thursdays


<p>[00:00:00] Intro</p><p><br></p><p>[00:00:41] Sharon Idahosa: Hello, beautiful people. Welcome to the Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show, where we share the happenings, the trends and the opportunities in the agriculture sector. Now in today's episode, we will dive into poultry farming. A thriving business opportunity in Nigeria and, of course, across Africa. So while many [00:01:00] young people are super eager to jump into this lucrative field, it is crucial to understand some of the challenges that are involved, including the health issues, the And even mortality rates.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:14] Sharon Idahosa: So joining me today is Goldbold Chukwuebuka, a young entrepreneur who is excelling in the poultry industry and still experiencing the downside associated with poultry farming. Now we will uncover the essential knowledge every aspiring poultry farmer should have in order to succeed and sustain their business.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:36] Sharon Idahosa: Now, thank you so much for joining today, Chukwuebuka. I would really, really love to hear about your journey into the poetry, uh, into poetry farming. Please say hello to our guests, uh, audience rather. Thank you.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:49] Godbold Chukwuebuka: So, hello. By the way, my name is Godbold Chukwuebuka, not Chukwuebuka.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:53] Sharon Idahosa: Oh my, my apologies, my</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:56] Godbold Chukwuebuka: apologies.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:01:57] Godbold Chukwuebuka: Godbold, Godbold, Godbold [00:02:00] Chukwemeka.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:04] Sharon Idahosa: Ah, thank you. And to think that I was actually singing with the name before and, and now I missed it. My apologies for</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:13] Godbold Chukwuebuka: this. Thank you.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:14] Sharon Idahosa: It's a pleasure to have you here. So please tell us your journey to go farming.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:18] Godbold Chukwuebuka: So basically, it all started while I was in university. That was my 300 level, about entering second semester, 3 11 20 18.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:27] Godbold Chukwuebuka: Entering about entering 400 level. So we had this program in our school then with Central Bank of Nigeria under CDC, Southeast Entrepreneurship Development Center. So they came to empower We the students, about entering year, they came to empower us based on agribusiness and management, because that was what I studied.</p><p><br></p><p>[00:02:46] Godbold Chukwuebuka: The school. I studied agribusiness and management. So it was a three month program, was a three month program. The. It's going to go aspect of it is a second one to the practical aspect of it and th</p>