Unlocking the benefits of Carbon Credits with Emily Urban and Vasco Van

The Let’s Talk Agriculture Podcast - A podcast by Sharon Idahosa - Thursdays


<h2>What are the benefits of Carbon Credits for farmers in Africa?</h2> <h3>Transcription</h3> <strong>[00:00:00] Intro</strong> [00:00:42] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> Do you know that it can actually get a whole lot easier keeping the food supply chain safe and transparent? Join over 30, 000 food, beverage, ingredient, dietary and supplement companies across global supply chain for integrated food safety, quality and sustainability services. For more information, do go to visit <a href="http://foodchainid.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">foodchainid.com</a>. [00:01:03] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> And now, welcome to the <a href="https://letstalkagriculture.com/podcast/">Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show</a>. This is our final episode of the <a href="https://letstalkagriculture.com/category-audio/sustainability/">Sustainability Series</a>, and I'm excited to bring today's episode your way, where we're going to be looking at carbon credits, how farmers can, you know, gain financial benefits through carbon credits, and even put a premium for their product. [00:01:23] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> So join me welcome our guests for today, from two different organizations working hand in hand to ensure that farmers get the best, I mean, what they deserve across Africa and beyond. Welcome, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/eurban1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Emily</a>. Welcome, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/vasco-van-roosmalen-56061432/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Vasco</a>. Thank you so much for joining the <a href="https://letstalkagriculture.com/podcast/">Let's Talk Agriculture podcast show</a>. [00:01:41] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> How are you doing today? [00:01:42] <strong>Emily Urban Cordeiro:</strong> Good, good. Thank you so much for having us. [00:01:45] <strong>Vasco Van Roosmalen:</strong> Doing well, thank you. And again, yes, thank you so much for having us. It's a pleasure to be here. [00:01:49] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> It's always a pleasure speaking with industry experts. I mean, I've been doing this for over three years now and interacting with industry experts also helps me to widen my horizons as well. [00:02:00] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> So I really want to appreciate you coming on the show and sharing your knowledge with me and my audience as well. So once again, Thank you. [00:02:08] <strong>Emily Urban Cordeiro:</strong> Sure. You're very welcome. Looking forward to the conversation. [00:02:10] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> Sure. So, yes, let's start with you now.So, in simple and clear terms, what is carbon credit all about? You know, how is <a href="https://www.foodchainid.com/about/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FoodchainId</a> involved in the voluntary market as a private entity? [00:02:25] <strong>Sharon Idahosa:</strong> Let me just know, get more idea about what carbon credit is all about. That's what we've been hearing for so long now. So maybe this is a good avenue to learn more about it. It's simple terms that [00:02:35] <strong>Emily Urban Cordeiro:</strong> yes. And actually, you know, when we think about carbon credits and what this actually means in the context of smallholders for various market players. [00:02:46] <strong>Emily Urban Cordeiro:</strong> It is actually complex to think about, you know, Vasco at <a href="https://reseed.farm" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ReSeed</a>, you know, he'll, he'll explain in great, great detail, of course, how it works fro