R.S.D. - Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Let's Talk Autism - A podcast by Meesh and Christelle

Past guest Andy is back to talk to Meesh and Chrissy about R.S.D. - Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Andy was diagnosed in the 80s as a child with "clumsy child syndrome" which is now what we know to be Dyspraxia (thank goodness for the name change!) Andy talks about what life was like as a Dyspraxic child and now as a Dyspraxic adult. Andy not only talks about the physical parts of Dyspraxia but also about the emotional side. Andy, who is also autistic, then tells us about RSD and how debilitating it can be . Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is a condition which can cause overwhelming levels of emotional pain and feelings of failure and rejection. Andy bravely and honestly tells us more about what this looks like in his life.