#40: 7 Keys to a Successful Cycle

Let's Talk IVF - A podcast by SOPHIA BASEOTTO

In my Webinar, I discuss the key aspects to having a successful cycle and it is something that I also discuss in my Strategy Calls with clients, so, I thought it would be good to share some of this with you in the podcast. When you undertake fertility treatment, no-one imagines just how much it will consume your entire life and impact every other relationship that you have currently. In fact, for many clients ttc it has already taken up a great deal of the lives up until this point. I speak to many clients about different clinics, costs and options in our calls, it is a very common theme after having your first couple of cycles without success. If you would like to connect with me to talk about your fertility journey, you can book your initial call through the website at www.ivfcoachingclinic.com.au or the calendar link www.ivfcoachingclinic.as.me