11 MY CHILD HAS SYNESTHESIA. NOW WHAT? Wellbeing differences in child synesthetes with Nina Slottke

Let's talk Synaesthesia - A podcast by Maike Preißing

In today's episode Maike meets Nina Slottke. Nina is a psychotherapist for children and young people based in Germany. Together they discuss a paper on wellbeing differences in child synesthetes and what those findings mean for the psychological practice. They also brainstorm ideas on how to speak to kids about synesthesia and give advice to care givers on how to support child synesthetes and children with sensory processing difficulties. link to the paper discussed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33048782/ Submit your "Synnie of the month" story over Instagram or through the Spotify question field. And don't forget to follow and give a review - this helps Maike & the podcast A TON! Connect with Maike Instagram/ TikTok: @synesthes_a www.synesthesia.at [email protected]