6 Ways to Intentionally and Strategically Upgrade Your Relationships To Eliminate Failure & Generate Success w/Kurt Francis

Level Up - From Agent to Entrepreneur - A podcast by Greg Harrelson - Real Estate Broker, Entrepreneur & Coach - Thursdays


  As we go from agent to entrepreneur one of the things we tend to overlook is the importance of the people we surround ourselves with. How do we go about zeroing in on and building relationships with people we admire and look up to? What process can we follow to get into the orbits of these people? Why is it so critical to take the step of cutting off relationships that don’t serve us anymore? On this episode, Kurt Francis shares on the value of our relationships and building the right ones.     You have to be willing to a price to identify and establish relationships with the right people. -Kurt Francis   Takeaways + Tactics When you model yourself on someone you admire, draw the line at losing your own uniqueness. Our successes and failures have a lot to do with who we spend our time with. Limit associations with certain people because if you say yes to hanging out with them you’re saying no to the people you really need to build a relationship with. At the start of the show Kurt shared on his work and the value of charging more for coaching. Next we talked about the process you take to start developing relationships with people you admire. We also talked about the necessity of limiting or even cutting off relationships with people who aren’t serving us. We also discussed; The value of finding a hero who has the life you want, not just the business Why building valuable relationships isn’t free   95% of our failures and successes in life are due to the relationships we have. When we actually seek out the right people and get into their space, the benefits of that relationship are endless and far-reaching in our lives. In order to successfully get into relationship with these people we must first decide who we want to become, and then identify 3 people who have those attributes. After that, it’s necessary to get into contact with them and most importantly, we need to remove the relationships that aren’t serving us anymore in order to attract more of what we do want.   Guest Bio- Kurt Francis is the Chief Invigorator of KF Invigoration and co-founder of My Epoch Challenge, Professional Speaker, Consultant, Business and Life Coach and Certified Trainer for the One Thing. Go to https://www.kfinvigoration.com/ for more details. If you’re an agent or broker, go text MER to 31996, or if you’re interested in personal development coaching, text 99 to 31996.