Have You Made The Right Changes To Your Routine

Level Up - From Agent to Entrepreneur - A podcast by Greg Harrelson - Real Estate Broker, Entrepreneur & Coach - Thursdays


In these unprecedented times, the market, the industry and the consumer demands different things and even new things from us. Our habits have to shift accordingly, so we need to create a new routine to match where we are.  What habits need to change, and which ones need to stay the same as before this crisis? What are our agents doing to keep taking listings and keep the business going? In this episode, we share the things we need to be doing to cultivate a positive mindset, and generate energy and business right now.    Lead generation doesn’t stop. How you lead generate and the conversations you have might change, but the process of waking up and going out to look for business still exists. -Greg Harrelson    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode   Prepare for the routine to change multiple times but still commit to the fundamentals like mindset, lead generation and follow up.  Maintain the mindset that we’re going to get through this and that the action we take right now will contribute to the state of our businesses on the other side.  Virtual in a real estate agent's world can be lonely. Get plugged in somewhere to stay in the collective headspace and conversation of real estate.