How to make MORE Money 💸 by focusing LESS on Hitting HIGH INCOME months ✨ (listen until the end)

CHAPTERS (OLD) - A podcast by Kelly Morita


The entrepreneurship space has been feeding you low frequency energy. Trust me, I got caught up in it to and I made LESS money because of it. Anyone who focuses on helping you hit 5 or 6 figures and DOESN'T help you learn the skills to get there and sustain it is doing you dirty. The "Let me help you hit $10k months is getting old and people are catching on, coming out of programs not actually achieving much of anything. (not ashamed to say it) When I first started my business, I didn't care if I made $1,000. I just knew I wanted to build something and I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF IT! Because of that high level frequency of joy and peace (scale of consciousness, this is true) I hit over $50k in the first few months of my business. It went down hill when I fed into the, "not making 6 figures? Let me help you!" scheme. You don't want to learn how to "make 6 figures", you want to learn how to create conte that sticks, influence, build an online name, presence, brand, work the way you work, create systems that make everything easier, edit short form videos, tell a story short form, get people to follow and stay there, interact with your community, etc. the 6 figures follows- if that's what you're goal is...and it doesn't even have to be...ugh...the conditioning. The thing is, you deserve to get paid for your art and what you build. you deserve to make more than your 9-5 so if you focus on the fun of content creating (yes you are also a creator as an entrepreneur and you NEED TO LKE DOING IT!) the impact you're making, becoming a passionate innovator, no matter what your online goals are - monetization, selling a product, growing an audience - that abundance will be ACHIEVED by understanding who you are, how you create, and the energy you put into your creations online.  This is why I teach the foundations, the base, the art of it all so that you receive that BYPRODUCT which is the money, online growth, flow, excitement. (those are the RESULTS! Not the skills)  So in this podcast episode I speak about the power of impact over income and why its the crux of you're entire business as an influencer or entrepreneur or BOTH! LEARN MORE ABOUT KELLY & HER OFFERS INSTAGRAM (SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS) INSTAGRAM (LIFESTYLE & WELLNESS) --- Support this podcast: