Jessica Stocker Metaverse Queen - Buying / Leasing Virtual Land Ep 127
Live Better Now - A podcast by Zach Rance
My guest today is Jessica Stocker. I discovered her on TikTok, she was talking about the Metaverse and I thought hmmm, I could learn a thing or two from her she seems pretty knowledgeable about the virtual reality world and where it's heading. So reached out and here we are. Jessica is a LA-based Real Estate Agent, our conversation centers around how you can either buy or lease land in the metaverse, how you go about doing that, and is it a good time to jump in now, or is it too early. Some great insight here for those interested in learning a little more about what the "next big thing" appears to be. Thanks, Jessica for being my guest. For more info on the metaverse and Jessica. Check out her youtube channel Metaverse Queen and follow her on Instagram @jessicastocker_ Zach Rance, Certified Life Coach | Certified Nutritionist 1. Hire me as your coach 2. Subscribe to my podcast 3. Order your WHOOP Sleeptracker 4. Get my weekly meal plan for just $1 Life Coach Zach