Episode 100 - Northern Soul / Cast & Crew Exclusive
LIFE IN FILM - A podcast by Elliot James Langridge - Tuesdays

Join this channel to get access to perks: EARLY Access, EXCLUSIVE Episodes & Much More! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpeD7roEp99UANH0HVZ3dOA/join Welcome to the 100th Episode of the LIFE IN FILM Podcast. Join us as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Northern Soul. A film very close to my heart, writer/director Elaine Constantine took a gamble when she cast me in my first lead role. In the this episode we will chat to the cast and crew including Steve Coogan, there may even be a few surprises along the way. For a full list of the guests check out the chapter list below. We chat about the our love for the Northern Soul Scene, take a look at behind the scenes footage and the audition process. I discover why the film was almost lost forever, the directors cut and a possible sequel... To all you Northern Soul fans, thank you for all the support you have shown over the years, KEEP THE FAITH. ----------------------------- Host - Actor/Writer Elliot James Langridge Please contact (Scott Marshall Partners) ----------------------------- We are sponsored by BetterHelp providing you access to the largest online therapy service in the world. Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/lifeinfilm ----------------------------- 'Northern Soul' is available to stream now ----------------------------- Thank you to all of our guests and thank you as always to our sponsor Better Help ----------------------------- If you enjoyed this episode, please review and follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and You Tube etc and please share. It makes a huge difference. ----------------------------- Join us on Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, @LIFEINFILMpod. Check out the Patreon at patreon.com/Lifeinfilmpodcast & Join this channel to get access to perks: EARLY Access, EXCLUSIVE Episodes & Much More! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpeD7roEp99UANH0HVZ3dOA/join ----------------------------- Please don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Thanks for watching this episode ... see you in the next video! 0:08 - Get EARLY Access & EXCLUSIVE Episodes 0:18 - Introduction 2:20 - The Career Beginnings of Elaine Constantine 10:58 - A Chance Meeting 16:08 - How Writing Northern Soul Came About 22:39 - Casting Unknowns In The Leads 24:37 - Actress Antonia Thomas 27:32 - Being Introduced To The Music 30:48 - Biggest Influences On Me And Josh 36:00 - NS Lengend Keb Darge 38:47 - Elaine Gave Us An Opportunity Of A Life Time 45:36 - Actor James Lance 48:33 - The Movie Was Originally Going To Be A Documentary 50:43 - Northern Soul / Keep The Faith 54:16 - How Elaine Discovered Northern Soul Music 57:53 - Casting Director Manuel Puro / Auditions 59:28 - Actor Jack Gordon 1:09:15 - Support The Podcast / Betterhelp 1:10::58 - Every Scene Was Moved By The Music 1:12:58 - Actor John Thomson 1:16:53 - I Have A Confession To Make 1:16:53 - Cinematographer Simon Tindall 1:27:54 - Shooting Wigan Casino 1:33:57 - Looking Back 10 Years Since The Films Release 1:35:22 - Costume Department Adam Howe 1:40:51 - How The Original Soulies Helped The Film's Success 1:45:26 - I Was Working In A Cinema when I Shot NS 1:47:52 - Hindsight / What Made This Special / Aftermath 1:50:11 - Northern Soul 2 1:51:15 - Directors Cut 1:53:33 - Editor Stephen Haren 2:03:02 - Using Real Records 2:04:28 - Rehearsals/workshops 2009 -2012 2:08:17 - Singer/Actress Lisa Stansfield 2:13:27 - Actor Christian McKay 2:17:58 - Josh's Approach to over coming nerves 2:19:02 - Favourite Scene 2:20:00 - Actor Steve Coogan 2:27:01 - Unique Preparation 2:31:26 - Actor Ashely Taylor Dawson 2:35:18 - Stories We Can tell On This Podcast 2:37:21 - Final Thoughts From Our Guests 2:40:20 - Like, Subscribe & Join our YouTube 2:40:38 - In loving Memory of Those We Have Lost Extra - 2:41:42 - 10th Anniversary Screening at Rio Cinema Q&A 👉Related Hashtags: #actor #lifeinfilm #lifeinfilmpodast #movie #interview #podcast #filmtok #livestream #englishactor #actoreelliotjames #northernsoul #stevecoogan #elliotjameslangridge #joshwhitehouse #antoniathomas #elaineconstantine #lisastansfield #keepthefaith #1970's #inspiration