What's your Story - Actor Mayim Bialik? #93
LIFE IN FILM - A podcast by Elliot James Langridge - Tuesdays

Mayim is a 5 time Emmy nominated actress who started her career playing a young Bette Midler in 'Beaches', shortly after she went on to be the star of her own TV show 'Blossom', but you'll probably know her best for hit TV show 'The Big Bang theory'. Join us as we chat about the pressures of being a child star, taking a break from acting to study for her PHD in neuroscience to have her return to acting playing a scientist and her latest project fascinating documentary 'Mom and Dad's Nipple Factory'. - Host - Actor/Writer Elliot James Langridge Please contact (Scott Marshall Partners) - We are sponsored by BetterHelp providing you access to the largest online therapy service in the world. Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/lifeinfilm - 'Mom & dad's Nipple Factory ' is out in the US on the 10th September. - Thank you to our guest Mayim and to her representation Icon PR. as always thank you to our sponsor BetterHelp - If you enjoyed this episode, please review and follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and You Tube etc and please share. It makes a huge difference. - Join us on Twitter, Tik Tok, Instagram, @LIFEINFILMpod & For early and uncut episodes check of the Patreon at patreon.com/Lifeinfilmpodcast - 👉Related Hashtags: #actor #lifeinfilm #lifeinfilmpodast #movie #interview #podcast #filmtok #mayimbalik #thebigbangtheory #americanactor #actoreelliotjames #friends #gonein60seconds #momanddadsnipplefactory #documentary #nipple #beaches #bettemidler Please don't forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! 😎 Thanks for watching this episode ... see you in the next video!❤️