Life in Private Staffing | 4.29 – Betsy Tavit
The Recruitment Diaries: Life in Private Staffing - A podcast by powered by Silver Swan Recruitment

Today we head back over the pond to the US to chat with Betsy who only entered this world a few years ago. During her previous career as a music teacher, she often taught in the homes of UHNW clients and would notice the domestic staff running the property. This soon became a regular observation, so much so that she looked into the world of private service as a career for herself. Her friend already worked in the industry which was a huge help when it came to educating her as to how to transition and what role to play. even introduced her to her first employer. She started at the bottom as a household assistant doing literally anything that needed doing and then moved up to her current House Manager role. Whilst still reasonably new to the industry, she absolutely loves being there and is a big supporter of our communities and this podcast!