E02 #CareerJourney "The transition from academia to a role as startup CTO" with Chris Code, CTO at Dianox

Life Science Talent Talks - A podcast by Life Science Talent Ecosystem


We want to build a community to inspire life science professionals through talent talks and organized events. Share knowledge across the life science community through personal stories of life science talents. In this episode you can hear Chris share he’s personal perspective on the following: His journey from academia to a CTO role in a startup. His reflections relating to the major decisions along the way. What is Dianox doing? What are the major similarities between being a CTO and working in academia? What are the most energizing and draining tasks seen from his perspective? Feel free to connect with Chris Code on his LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiancode/ Join the Life Science Talent Ecosystem: Share your feedback, questions or ideas through our community page: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12717528/ Contact us via voicemail, email or LinkedIn with your thoughts and feedback. Voicemails can be left at https://anchor.fm/life-science-talent-talks/message (only with your approval). Follow us: Nehar Mortuza: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neharmortuza/ and Søren Spanner Bach: https://www.linkedin.com/in/soren-spanner-bach/ Thanks to our fantastic podcast editor Shahnam Jilan https://www.linkedin.com/in/shahnam-jilan-518bb5203/