Own Your Digital Life With Angela Crocker (375)
Life Skills That Matter | Create Work That Works For You - A podcast by Stephen Warley | Solopreneur Business Coach
Angela Crocker, author of several digital living books, including "Digital Life Skills for Youth." wants to inspire you to own your digital life, so you can make it work for you. Show notes at lifeskillsthatmatter.com/show375 Lot of great lessons in our conversations including: + Her passion for connecting people with each other is the thread of her career. + How to be less intimate by tech as you start your business. + Her decision-making framework Time + Talent + Treasure. + How to use social media without getting overwhelmed by it. Ready to work for yourself? Learn the first 5 actions at lifeskillsthatmatter.com/getstarted Subscribe https://lifeskillsthatmatter.com/subscribe-podcast Podcast Archive https://lifeskillsthatmatter.com/podcast