6 Myths of a People Pleaser

Limitless Female - A podcast by EmyLee McIntyre

If you believe one of these myths... you might be a people pleaser. People pleasing can hide under the guise of being a peace keeper. You  know it is one and not the other, because it feels exhausting and thankless. Listen in and question these lies you might be believing , that are keeping you from living a life thats better than happy. OH HEY, Ready to finally kick that habit.Late night eatingNetflixsocial mediachocolatesugarovershopping...Join me in a one day FB group training extravaganza AUG. 12th. LEARN MORE HEREinterested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call hereFind more information and Free resources HERE: https://hernextstep.limitlessfemalecoaching.com/landing-page-her-next-stepHave a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!@Limitlessfemale