Bonus Episode: Beat the Habit & Ditch the Drama ( & other exciting announcements)

Limitless Female - A podcast by EmyLee McIntyre

Why are we still trying to white knuckle/ willpower our way to a better life?Why when every bit of information is at our fingertips... are we still not able to lose the weight, or turn off the TV or ditch social media or stop yelling at our kids.I know something that most of the world doesn't and it changes the way I help moms all over the world to stop the habits keeping them stuck.And, we do it without gritting our teeth and feeling horrible. It insanely unique and also powerfully simple.Don't forget to join my 1 day FB pop up group. It starts August 12th, and is full of mini trainings, exercises and giveaways all designed to help you ditch the habit without all the drama. Join HERE NOW woman!interested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call hereFind more information and Free resources HERE: a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!@Limitlessfemale