Bonus Episode : Why Consumption is the Killer of Fulfillment

Limitless Female - A podcast by EmyLee McIntyre

My strange new addiction has me consuming at an alarming rate... and pausing to create feels, well, uncomfortable at best and impossible at worst!This is why I'm so excited for my upcoming DREAM CLARITY coaching intensive, and I want you there!!!!Pausing to create is really challenging when your quiet time creates uncomfortable emotions.Overwhelm, inadequacy , and shame to name a few. I'm going to show you how to slow down consumption long enough to discover all the amazing ideas you have and how to implement them.And we are going to do it without setting New Years Resolutions!I also can't wait to help you discover what it is you want without stopping yourself from fear, guilt, or doubt.Register for free HERE! Replays will be available to those who register!To explore 1 on 1 coaching in a complimentary coaching call with me, click hereinterested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call hereFind more information and Free resources HERE: a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!@Limitlessfemale