How to Get in The Mood | with LDS Sex Coach AMANDA LOUDER

Limitless Female - A podcast by EmyLee McIntyre

Intimacy in marriage can be an incredible tool to become united and connect. It's also really fun! Did you know this? Sex can be something that you enjoy too. Although there are some physical aspects, desire and enjoyment are %80 mental. I'm talking with LDS Sex Coach Amanda Louder about where desire actually comes from. We don't have to stay in this dead lock where your waiting to connect emotionally and their waiting to connect physically. Connection doesn't actually come from either of those things. To learn more about Amanda, you can find her here!, don't forget.. you can get one on one coaching from me for %50 off!!! But only if you book before the end of june. To grab your spot just schedule a free session with me HERE. or you can email me at [email protected]!interested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call hereFind more information and Free resources HERE: a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!@Limitlessfemale