How to Come Back to Yourself When Your Anxiety is Raging

Limitless Life™ - A podcast by Melyssa Griffin


Today I have another coaching episode with a mastermind member of mine, and again, we go deep in this one! This conversation with Mariah centers mainly around anxiety, and what she’s going through at this moment of her life. Mariah is a graphic designer who is transitioning from offering services to clients to selling courses. She’s had a lot of success already with this pivot, but there is anxiety popping up for her around the fact that she is letting go of clients that were paying her thousands of dollars each month. Mariah has also had a lot of transition in her personal life recently, and we talk about the anxiety coming up around these things too. If you are someone who has a fear of disappointing people, have lost alignment with your true self or are nervous about making a big transition in your life too, listen in because Mariah’s story will inspire you as you navigate change. If you are interested in learning more about my mastermind too, you can go to, and a group is open for applications right now! If you’re feeling like you need community, support and strategy to get to your next level, then listen in on this conversation with Mariah because we are diving deep into a lot of amazing topics today!