James Bond: Casino Royale (Graphic Novel Adaptation) by Van Jensen, Ian Fleming, and Dennis Calero
Lit Society: Books and Drama - A podcast by Kari Herrera and Alexis Honoria - Thursdays
This week we're discussing the real-life men and agents who inspired the fictional James Bond. These folks jumped out of planes fought Nazis while enduring chase and torture—incredible stuff. A suave super-spy with both daddy and mommy issues must use his skill with the cards to play his way out of death in a fancy French casino. His goal? Stay alive and gain victory for his country. His game? Baccarat. His weakness? Fast cars and faster women. The AGENT? James Bond The book? The graphic novel adaptation of Ian Flemming's Casino Royale by Van Jensen and Dennis Calero. LET'S GET LIT! Favorite line: "The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning." Sources for our theme: Business Insider Meet The Spy Who Inspired The Creation Of James Bond https://www.businessinsider.com/the-inspiration-for-james-bond-2012-9 Esquire Magazine: The Real Spies Who Inspired James Bond Are Far More Fascinating Than the Big Screen 007s https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a30533681/james-bond-true-story-real-life-inspiration-ian-fleming/ History Extra: James Bond in real life: where did Ian Fleming's inspirations come from? https://www.historyextra.com/period/20th-century/james-bond-who-based-on-inspiration-ian-fleming-villains-q-m/ Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram — www.instagram.com/litsocietypod; Twitter — www.twitter.com/litsocietypod; Facebook — www.facebook.com/LitSocietyPod; Website — www.LitSocietyPod.com