Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (Part 2)
Lit Society: Books and Drama - A podcast by Kari Herrera and Alexis Honoria - Thursdays
This week, we return to the story of a dowdy damsel and her lackluster beau, who are forced apart into a cold world of misery. Sound depressing? That's the Brontë sisters for you. Quite remarkably, however, this book has a happy ending (kinda)! The book: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte LET'S GET LIT! Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram — www.instagram.com/litsocietypod/; Twitter — twitter.com/litsocietypod; Facebook — www.facebook.com/LitSocietyPod/; and our website www.LitSocietyPod.com. Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.