Wild Card: Song Lyrics and Musical Storytelling (f/Author Dawnie Walton)

Lit Society: Books and Drama - A podcast by Kari Herrera and Alexis Honoria - Thursdays


This week's is a wild card episode. We're discussing song lyrics and our favorite musical storytellers. We've also got a game — because you all love to put Alexis on the spot (and Kari is more than happy to oblige).  Joining us this week is acclaimed author Dawnie Walton. A seasoned publication editor turned novelist - Walton has worked for Essence and Entertainment Weekly, to name only a few. Her experience gives her first-hand knowledge of both the music and publishing industries. The Final Revival of Opal and Nev, her debut novel, is a fictional story written as a real-life profile of one of the greatest and most misunderstood rock duos in history. The book details Opal and Nev's rise to fame and the horrific event that led to a man's death, and the band's ostracization by industry insiders and wannabes for years to come. How has music influenced you as a storyteller? LET'S GET LIT!   Find Alexis and Kari online: Instagram — www.instagram.com/litsocietypod/; Twitter — twitter.com/litsocietypod; Facebook — www.facebook.com/LitSocietyPod/; and our website www.LitSocietyPod.com. Get in on the conversation by using #booksanddrama.