Episode 37: The New Comedy (Menander's Old Cantankerous)

Literature and History - A podcast by Doug Metzger


Menander’s Old Cantankerous (316 BCE), produced during the New Comedy period, shows theater beginning to take on its modern form. Episode 37 Quiz: http://literatureandhistory.com/index.php/episode-37-quiz Episode 37 Transcription: http://literatureandhistory.com/index.php/episode-037-the-new-comedy Episode 37 Song: "Alexander the. . .um. . .Great" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc2BYWLWtLw Bonus Content: http://literatureandhistory.com/index.php/bonus-content Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/literatureandhistory