5. My top three tips for overcoming comparisonitis in a digital age
Little Kingdom Warriors - Practical daily routines for Christian families, simple daily rhythms for Christian kids, Discipling kids - A podcast by Brenda Courtice- Christian Parenting coach, Christian children‘s ministry, Christian Motherhood mentor - Mondays

Hey friends, Have you battled with feeling like you’re not good enough, your house isn’t trendy enough, your marriage isn’t perfect enough, you’re not patient enough and the list goes on…. Today I’m covering a topic which I am constantly dealing with and I feel now I have some practical tips to give to others and that is my “Top three tips for overcoming comparisonitis in a digital age”. Have you also struggled with comparisonitis? If so what strategies do you use to overcome this? I would love if you could let me what you thought over in the Little Kingdom Warriors Facebook community and let me know what else you want to hear on the podcast. Until next time! God bless, Brenda Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/littlekingdomwarriors Connect with me – [email protected] Download my free Bible play checklist at www.littlekingdomwarriors.com Join my free Facebook community at – https://www.facebook.com/groups/250260683779516/ Check out my Facebook page at - https://www.facebook.com/Little-Kingdom-Warriors-106228611554533/