Episode 46: Awake Times 2 - What to do when your baby is overtired
Little Winks Sleep Strategies - A podcast by Anna McMillan - Tuesdays

Welcome to part 2 of our Awake Times series! Today is all about Overtiredness. Anna, Ashley and Robyn continue their conversation and talk about their own experiences as mamas of new babies and how overtiredness impacted their families. They talk about: What is overtiredness? How does overtiredness affect my baby? How do I recognize overtiredness in my baby? How do I resolve overtiredness? And more! Find great sleep resources below: FREE RESOURCES: 8 Things to do in the First Six Weeks https://littlewinkssleep.com/newborn-8-things Awake Times Chart https://littlewinkssleep.com/awake-times-chart Nap Chart https://littlewinkssleep.com/nap-cheat-sheet Ending Early Mornings https://littlewinkssleep.com/early-mornings Best Bedtime Routine https://littlewinkssleep.com/bedtime-routine 3 Keys to Unlocking Frustration https://littlewinkssleep.com/lyl-pdf Daycare Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/daycare-class Toddler Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/toddler-sleep-class Newborn Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/newborn-sleep-class Infant Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/baby-sleep-class TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP 1:1 Coaching with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach https://littlewinkssleep.com/coaching Sleep Sleep Baby Infant Sleep Course https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/sleep-sleep-baby Nurturing Newborn Sleep https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/nurturing-newborn-sleep Taking on Toddler Sleep https://littlewinkssleep.com/taking-on-toddlers Learning Your Littles https://littlewinkssleep.com/learning-your-littles Navigating Naptime https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/navigating-naptime Make traveling with your little ones easier with our Travel Guide https://littlewinkssleep.thrivecart.com/little-winks-sleep-travel-guide/ HANG OUT WITH US! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/littlewinkssleep/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/littlewinkssleep Peanut App https://www.peanut-app.io/?_branch_match_id=917091477458206700&utm_source=copy&utm_medium=invite Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3U2Gkx6W_ZIFu1bk3Q-Org Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@littlewinkssleep Check out more great articles and informational posts on our BLOG! https://littlewinkssleep.com/blog