Episode 51: Don't let that unplanned 10 minute nap ruin your day
Little Winks Sleep Strategies - A podcast by Anna McMillan - Tuesdays

Did your baby or toddler just take a 10 minute nap in the middle of their awake time? Will this ruin your whole day of naps? It doesn't have to! Certified Sleep Coach Anna McMillan and her co-workers and friends Ashley and Robyn give you the information you need to help when that unexpected nap happens. Help like: -how it will affect baby's nap schedule -when to just let it happen -how long to extend that next awake window -what to do about bedtime FREE RESOURCES: 8 Things to do in the First Six Weeks https://littlewinkssleep.com/newborn-8-things Awake Times Chart https://littlewinkssleep.com/awake-times-chart Nap Chart https://littlewinkssleep.com/nap-cheat-sheet Ending Early Mornings https://littlewinkssleep.com/early-mornings Best Bedtime Routine https://littlewinkssleep.com/bedtime-routine 3 Keys to Unlocking Frustration https://littlewinkssleep.com/lyl-pdf Daycare Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/daycare-class Toddler Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/toddler-sleep-class Newborn Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/newborn-sleep-class Infant Sleep Class https://littlewinkssleep.com/baby-sleep-class TEACH YOUR BABY TO SLEEP 1:1 Coaching with a Little Winks Certified Sleep Coach https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/home-page Sleep Sleep Baby Infant Sleep Course https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/sleep-sleep-baby Nurturing Newborn Sleep https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/nurturing-newborn-sleep Taking on Toddler Sleep https://littlewinkssleep.com/taking-on-toddlers Learning Your Littles https://littlewinkssleep.com/learning-your-littles Navigating Naptime https://www.littlewinkssleep.com/navigating-naptime Make traveling with your little ones easier with our Travel Guide https://littlewinkssleep.thrivecart.com/little-winks-sleep-travel-guide/ HANG OUT WITH US! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/littlewinkssleep/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/littlewinkssleep Peanut App https://www.peanut-app.io/?_branch_match_id=917091477458206700&utm_source=copy&utm_medium=invite Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3U2Gkx6W_ZIFu1bk3Q-Org Listen to our podcast https://littlewinkssleep.libsyn.com Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@littlewinkssleep Check out more great articles and informational posts on our BLOG! https://littlewinkssleep.com/blog