Are You On Fire For Good? (Monday Moment ep. 623)
Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

Regardless of where the event is, how large the group is, or what the makeup of the crowd is, I love the audiences we get to serve. By the end of our brief time together, there is always a connection, always a bond. That shared experience and exchange of energy is what makes this work truly life-giving. It’s also why I leave each room with more friends than when I walked in. So to describe the feeling I had this weekend taking the stage at On Fire For Good, looking out at an audience that I ALREADY know and love as friends, and knowing that thousands more were watching from their own homes is difficult to put into words. But I’ll try. Friends, I love you and there is nothing you can do about it. Let’s continue the work of reminding the world that the most powerful weapon on earth is the human spirit on fire.