LEARNED HOPEFULNESS: The Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression

Live Life Happy: Embrace Joy, Learn, and Grow Through Books - A podcast by Andrea Seydel


LIVE LIFE HAPPY THE UNCONVENTIONAL BOOK CLUB FOR BUSY PEOPLE with Andrea Seydel  _________________________________ Welcome, If you love books as much as I do, you are going to love the content I create! No time to read, but love learning? Don't worry I got you. I am book obsessed (to say the least),  I believe the that Books Change Lives!  Sign up at my website and gain access to hundreds of Book summaries in my BOOK VAULT so you can start putting knowledge into action right away...   __________________________________ IN THIS EPISODE Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression Many people struggle with feelings of sadness and hopelessness—especially in our difficult, modern world. The good news is that you can change. You’ll also learn to untangle yourself from rumination over past negative events, while shifting your perspective to the present moment and anticipating your future through a more positive lens. ***What if I told you there was an easier way to get more of what you want in your life—and less of what you don’t? Would you be interested? Hope gives us the needed energy to change for the better. Hope is perhaps our most treasured emotional asset.**** When Pandora opened the jar and released all the difficulties into the world, she closed it before hope escaped.  Hope lived amongst all the disappointments and pain, so it knew them well. and hope was used to deal with them. Of all the positive emotions, hope is the only one the requires uncertainty or negativity to be activated—making it unique. Hope brings us the motivation and emotional nutrients, such as perseverance from the difficulties in our life to grow. But what causes hope to happen?  Is there something we can do to cultivate it? LET'S CONNECT:  Live Life Happy with Andrea Seydel  Instagram Facebook Website YouTube  Podcast  Have you subscribed, left a comment or review yet? I put a lot of love and energy into my content I would really appreciate it if you could support me by hitting Subscribe, Comment on what you think, and provide any feedback with an honest Review. Your support wouldn't take long and can really help grow the show!! Don't forget to get your full book highlight and summary sheets here, CLICK Book Vault  Finally, Do you have exciting book suggestions? What book are you dying to read and simply don’t have the time to read it but really would love the content coached to you. Let me know and I will do my very best to highlight your suggestion!! Respond in the comments or direct message me on social. Can't wait to hear your suggestions.. SO MANY BOOKS SO LITTLE TIME! HUGS!! Andrea P.S. If you want to give birth to a book but you don't know how, or simply are having troubles with where to start turning your hard-earned knowledge into book form, I am your gal! I know how to help you painlessly give birth to your book and get it published. They don't call me the Book Doula for nothing!~ Let me help you map out your book plan in a FREE discovery call today!