Don’t just taste of Jesus

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 6:4 For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, I wish to encourage you today by contrasting you from those who crucified Jesus and put Him to open shame. First, when the light of the world came, they were blinded to it. The light shined on them. They were exposed to the light like a person walks out into the sunshine, but then moved away from the light. That’s not been the case with you, has it? You were not living in the time when Jesus was on earth like these first readers, yet you believe. Look how blessed you have been! As Jesus said in John 20:24. “Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” You haven’t seen Jesus with your physical eyes, but it has been given to you to see with your heart. Give thanks to God for His mercy. Second, the case with some was that they had tasted of the heavenly gift of Christ and thus shared in the experience of seeing the work of the Spirit of God in Christ. However, it only had a temporary impact. That’s conveyed in the idea of tasted. That same word is used of Jesus, who tasted death. Like food that is only tasted has no lasting effect on your body, so death had no lasting effect on Jesus. Many people go to church and taste the gift of the Holy Spirit. They share in the experience where Jesus’ presence is manifested, yet they leave unchanged. The moment they walk out the door, the feelings they experienced are gone. They fall away from the condition of grace poured out when God’s people assemble to praise and worship Jesus. But that’s not been the case with you. You have not only tasted; you have digested and internalized Jesus in your life. He has impacted not only how you think but how you live daily. You have not only shared in the experience of His presence in the assembly in worship, but you experience the reality of the Holy Spirit as you live with Jesus. The Holy Spirit has manifested the presence and power of Jesus in your life as you love with Him. I know, you probably are thinking that it doesn’t happen all the time, but do you realize that if it happens when you practice abiding in Him, then you are growing in maturity? You are not merely a spiritual taster; you are feeding and living off of the sustenance and support of Jesus, Himself.  I hope you’ll be encouraged by the contrast of your own life with those who have tasted but have no lasting effect. May you be encouraged to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit and let Him guide and fill you today with the presence and power of Christ. Would you pray the live to love prayer with me? Father, we thank You for another day of life to know and love You and live to love with Jesus. Anoint and fill us with the Holy Spirit, the presence and power of Christ, so that we can love and trust You and love those You put in our paths today, for Your glory. Amen.  If you haven’t taken up the Live to Love Prayer challenge of praying your own version of this prayer everyday for two months, I invite you to do so. Go to and click on the “I’m in” button. If you wish, you can add your “dot” to the world map and see where people around the world are living to love with Jesus.