God gives help to Jesus

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 2:16 For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham. In the last verse of chapter 1, the author remarked that angels are sent to help those who will inherit salvation. I cited some times when angels ministered to or gave help to Jesus so He could accomplish the task of saving us. He is the descendent of Abraham that the author has in mind in this verse. In verse 9, we read that Jesus tasted death for us by the grace of God. In other words, God helped Jesus die for us. The previous verses highlighted the point that Jesus had to be made lower than the angels and partake in flesh and blood in order to save us. A friend and mentor of mine texted me recently of something he had read about Jesus. He wrote, “Jesus was the most helpless man who ever lived because the Lord Jesus said of Himself. ‘The son of man of Himself can do nothing.’” Whatever Jesus did on the earth, He did it with help from His Father. The same is true for us. We can do nothing (that is nothing to bear fruit for God) apart from Jesus (John 15:5). The encouragement we derive from this verse is that Jesus lived to love with His Father. His Father was the Helper He needed. God bestowed the grace He needed, so that He could be the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature as He made purification for our sins (1:3). When we read the gospel accounts of Jesus, we see that God does give help to His Son, and we are to place our confidence in this reality. If God is for us and with us, He helps us like He did His Son by giving us His Son! We’ll talk more about this the day after tomorrow. Today, fix your eyes on Jesus, whom God has helped with His grace so you could be saved and freed from the fear of death and slavery to sin and its penalty. Walk in freedom and confidence that God will give you whatever you need to love with His Son those He puts in your path. If you are just beginning your day, I invite you to pray with me what I call the live to love prayer. Father, thank You for another day of life to know and love You and live to love with Jesus. Anoint and fill me with the Holy Spirit, the presence and power of Christ, so that I can love and trust You, and love those You put in my path today for Your glory. Amen.