God testifies with us.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 2:4 God also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will. Look at what God did to confirm the great salvation He accomplished through Jesus Christ. This author was an eye witness to the reality of salvation through Jesus. He heard from the disciples, those who first heard the Lord. But God didn’t just confirm the gospel of salvation in Christ with their words. He also testified to the veracity and power of the gospel with them by doing things natural men could not do, such as signs, wonders and various miracles. In addition to that, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the resurrected Christ, manifested His presence through giving them various gifts, not initiated by the witnesses, but bestowed as the Spirit willed them to be exercised. The point the author made was that the only explanation for what occurred through the lives of those first witnesses to the resurrection of Christ was this: God’s great salvation of sinners who believed what they heard from the Lord. Did you know that love is the greatest and only eternal gift, according to the apostle Paul? Did you know that all of the gifts of the Spirit are always an expression of God’s love? When Jesus loves with and through us, God is testifying to those in our paths of His great salvation. He is confirming the words of the Lord that He lives and is the savior of the world. It’s the fulfillment of Hebrews 1:1, where the author said God is now speaking “in His Son.” This is our live to love encouragement for today. I want to motivate you to live for this one overarching purpose, namely, to glorify God by loving with Jesus. If all believers realized the importance of living for Jesus’ purpose, imagine the impact of the church. Living to love with Jesus changes everything we do in our lives because it changes the purpose behind our talking, work, marriages, parenting, praying, serving, and giving in His name. When we love with Jesus, God confirms the gospel of His great salvation. Can you think of a higher, more meaningful purpose for living? I invite you to join me in this movement of God inaugurated by Jesus’ death and resurrection. He doesn’t save people so they can continue living their own lives for themselves and tacking on the Christian label. God didn’t intend for us to invite Him into our lives. He invites us into His life. Can you see the difference? He calls us to be His witnesses of His wonderful gospel as He testifies with us by loving through us—both by performing signs, wonders, and miracles, and expressing His love. Please visit livetolovewithjesus.com and begin this wonderful adventure with Jesus by praying what I call the live to love prayer daily. Tweak it to express your heart. There are also other free resources available to grow as a disciple of Jesus and to make disciples who live to love with Him.