God’s love flows out of the place of grace in which we stand

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 5:3 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; Today’s Scripture encouragement gives us cause to exult in our trials and tribulations. Living to love with Jesus isn’t easy. In fact, it will cost us our lives in this world. God’s love is the sustained direction of the will toward the highest good of another no matter what the cost. To love the people God puts in our paths, requires perseverance. Note, the sustained direction of the will. That’s perseverance. In this verse, Paul said, “And not only this.” Knowing we stand before God by grace and are at peace with Him through the suffering and tribulation of Christ enables us to exult in tribulation. Let’s think about this for a minute. How does tribulation produce perseverance? Do you need to persevere when things are going well? Do you have to persevere with people who do what you want, like you want, when you want? Does it take endurance when there is no pain or conflict? Of course the answer is No. The only time perseverance and endurance is brought about is when we have tribulation in this world. When we pass out of this fallen world into the manifest presence and glory of God, which is our hope, our tribulations end and there will be no more opportunities to glorify God in suffering. This season is short. When we live to love with Jesus, we glorify God by trusting and loving Him by loving others no matter what the cost—like we’ve been loved by God. Be encouraged today to exult before God in the midst of tribulation. That is the light of the world. People in this world cannot love because they run from and cancel out anyone who causes them tribulation. They consider it a testimony of strength to remove toxic people from their lives. They cannot allow those to “stand" before them who disagree with them or don’t make them feel loved. Why? Because they have not been introduced to the grace of God by Mr. Faith. So be encouraged to live to love with Jesus. His love flows out of the place of grace in which you stand. Stand fast, and love to the end. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi. www.ericterlizzi.com