Grace upon grace

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 16:24 [The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.] What an encouraging verse. Having the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with us is simply another way of saying live to love with Jesus. Anyone who has the grace of Jesus with them will be characterized by love. Just four verses earlier, Paul encouraged them that Satan would soon be crushed under their feet by the grace of the Lord Jesus. Our encouragement today is that we can only love people “by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus taught His disciples that apart from Him they could not glorify the Father through their fruitfulness. As Jesus’ disciples, we are fruitful branches filled with the life of the Vine, Jesus Christ. We are so blessed! So remember that you are not alone as you go through your day. The apostle John wrote in 1:16 of his gospel, “For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.” We love out of the fullness of Jesus. The life of Jesus dwelling in us is one of fullness. In Him, we are complete according to Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The fullness of deity dwells in Him. This fullness of grace in Christ enabled Paul to be content in all situations. He was satisfied with Jesus’ love. His grace satisfied the deepest desires of his soul. The living Lord Jesus Christ that lived in Paul and the believers in Rome, lives in us. We live from His fullness and whatever grace we need to love for God’s glory is available. That’s why we pray, “Father in heaven, thank You for another day of life to know and love You and live to love with Jesus. Anoint and fill us with the Holy Spirit, the presence and power of Christ, so that we can love and trust You and love everyone You put in our paths today, for Your glory. Amen!” Let it be!