Hold fast, and draw near to receive grace to help

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. First, let’s remember, the author had been encouraging his readers to hold fast to what they believed about Jesus. He is the Son of God, our faithful, merciful, and sympathetic high priest, who after making purification for sins was raised and sat down at the right hand of the Father having finished His work on earth on our behalf. Through faith in Him we entered God’s promised rest. It is the boast of our hope that we hold firmly until the end of our lives. However, He has also encouraged them that there is a Sabbath rest that must be entered on a daily basis in our lives—a rest that comes from trusting not only in His work on the cross, but in His working in our lives presently. We enter that rest by drawing near to the throne of grace, which essentially is to abide in Jesus, Himself. Second, notice we are encouraged to draw near with confidence. We can do so because our reliance is not on ourselves, but on who Jesus is (the Son of God sent to save us and bring us to glory), what Jesus has done, (that is His atoning, sacrificial work) and His character (faithful, merciful, sympathetic) as our high priest. We reckon on the great reality that we are one with Jesus, given to Him by the Father, and therefore loved and accepted as His brothers and sisters of whom He is not ashamed. The apostle Paul wrote to the Romans in 8:32 about the confidence we have in God. “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” Third, we draw near to a throne of grace—a source of undeserved favor and power in time of need. We know God will give us the mercy and help we need at just the right time. That’s literally what is in the Greek. The grace to help will come to us in a timely manner. It won’t be too early or too late. Fourth, there is a purpose clause in this verse. We draw near so that we may receive mercy and grace—meaning, if we don’t draw near, we won’t receive mercy and grace in the circumstances at hand. This drawing near isn’t referring to when we go to heaven when we die. It’s a daily, moment-by-moment drawing near, a continuous action that makes the mercy and grace accessible and empowering. If we don’t enter and draw near to the presence of God, there’s no rest, peace, mercy, or grace in the time we need help. So today, as you live to love with Jesus, you need God’s mercy and grace so you can love and trust God as well as love those God puts in your path. The Live to Love prayer is a prayer of drawing near to the throne of grace. Would you join me in that prayer? Father in heaven, thank You for another day of life to live to know and love You and to love with Jesus. Anoint and fill us with the Holy Spirit, the presence and power of Christ, so that we can love and trust You and love those you put in our paths today, for Your glory. Amen.